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Title: Some Linguistic Problems of Legal Translation and Interpretation of Oil Contracts of Some African Countries
Authors: Ahmed, Mohamed El-Amin Osman Mohamed
Keywords: interpretation
legal translation
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: جامعة شندي
Abstract: Abstract This study which is under the title: Some Linguistic legal Problems in translation of Oil Contracts in some African Countries. It is an effort of dealing with such contracts in the domain of legal translation and interpretation. There are five chapters in this study: The aim of the study is to investigate and to collect data in linguistic, stylistic and cultural problems, so as to find the solutions. This study helps those who deal with translation. The study comes to some results such as that the legal language is complicated and the translation of contracts like these needs specialized experts. It is easy to translate from native tongue into other language. The study used the descriptive analytic method. The Questionnaire and a translation task were used in collecting data. There were seventeen university staff members participated in data collection. As a result there are some definitions of translations arises from this study. There are also some problems of translation in this legal field which are due to culture, specialists, and or due to translation problem. ملخص البحث يعتبر هذا البحث محاولة في مجال الترجمة القانونية تحت عنوان:المشاكل اللغوية في عقودات البترول لبعض الدول الافريقية. يتكون البحث من خمسة فصول..شارك في حل الاستبيان والاختبار سبعة عشر استاذا جامعيا . اتبع البحث المنهج الوصفي التحليلي في الوصول الى النتائج وهدف الى الوصول لمشكلات الترجمة القانونية في مثل هذه العقودات لايجاد حلول لها. مما توصل اليه البحث بعض تعريفات للترجمة .كذلك سهولة الترجمة من اللغة الام الى اللغات الاخرى.وكذلك بعض مشاكل الترجمة الناتجة عن الثقافة’ التخصص’ او انواع مشاكل الترجمة الاخرى.
Description: Some Linguistic Problems of Legal Translation and Interpretation of Oil Contracts of Some African Countries اعداد / محمد الامين عثمان محمد احمد ؛ اشراف : علي احمد حسين الجعلي . - شندي : جامعة شندي . 2014م ( رسالة دكتوراة ) 237 ورقة
Appears in Collections:PhD Theses رسائل الدكتوراه

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