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Title: حيازة العقار في القانون السوداني (دراسة مقارنة)
Authors: أحمد محمد أحمد الزين
Keywords: حيازة العقار
القانون السوداني
Issue Date: Aug-2019
Publisher: جامعة شندي
Series/Report no.: العدد الأول;
Abstract: الحيازة حالة واقعية تنشأ عن سيطرة شخص على عقار أو حق عيني عليه، سيطرة فعلية بحيث تكون في مظهرها وفي قصد الحائز مباشرة حق الملكية. وقد تعرض البحث لموضوع أركان الحيازة والتي تتكون من ركنين لابد من توافرهما حتى تنتج الحيازة أثرها وتؤدي إلى كسب الملكية ، أول تلك الأركان هو العنصر المادي والذي يعني السيطرة الفعلية على العقار وهي سيطرة مادية يقوم بها الحائز ابتداء ، وتتحقق تلك السيطرة بأن يحرز العقار إحرازاً مادياً ويباشر فيه الأعمال التي يقوم بها المالك عادة . أما الركن الآخر فهو العنصر المعنوي ، والمقصود بالعنصر المعنوي هو النية في استعمال الحائز للعقار لحساب نفسه وأن يتصرف فيه تصرف المالك من استعمال واستغلال . وتعرض البحث لعيوب الحيازة وهو الإكراه والخفية أو اللبس ، فإذا لم تكن الحيازة هادئة وعلنية ومستمرة فلا يكون لها أثر ولا يعتد بها . تناول البحث أيضاً آثار الحيازة التي تؤدي إلى كسب الملكية ، هذا وقد قرر المشرع السوداني جعل الحيازة سبباً مسقطاً ، أي لا تسمع دعوى الملك ضد الحائز الذي استمرت حيازته عشر سنوات ، إذا توافرت شروطها وأركانها . تعرض البحث بالدراسة أيضاً لدعاوى الحيازة وهي دعوى استرداد الحيازة، دعوى منع التعرض ودعوى وقف الأعمال الجديدة ، وأوضح البحث أن تلك الدعوى شرعت لحماية حائز العقار. This study aim to study the issue of land possession in the Sudanese Civil Transaction Act 1984 “Comparative study” The study concluded: That tenure real case arising from the control of a person on the land or the right of the eyes, so that they are de facto control in their appearance and in the intent-winning direct property right. Research presented to the subject of the elements of tenure, which is made up of two elements must coexist even produces tenure impact and lead to gain property, the first of these is the physical component of Staff, which means effective control of the property, which is controlled by material carried out by winning starting and realized that control that made ​​the ground control material and proceed with the work carried out by the owner usually. The other component is the mental element, and the element is intended intention to use the holder of the property to calculate the same and act the disposal of the owner of the use and exploitation. The research also shows the defects of tenure which is hidden or coercion and confusion, if the acquisition were not quiet, open and continuous not have a significant impact . The research also raised the tenure that lead to win the title, this has been decided to make the Sudanese legislator tenure projected reason, in the sense that you hear a lawsuit against the owner-winning possession, which lasted ten years, if the necessary conditions and the bases. Find the study presented to the acquisition suits are filed to recover possession and filed a lawsuit to prevent exposure and stopping new business, said that research such claims decided for the protection of tenure.
Description: This study aim to study the issue of land possession in the Sudanese Civil Transaction Act 1984 “Comparative study” The study concluded: That tenure real case arising from the control of a person on the land or the right of the eyes, so that they are de facto control in their appearance and in the intent-winning direct property right. Research presented to the subject of the elements of tenure, which is made up of two elements must coexist even produces tenure impact and lead to gain property, the first of these is the physical component of Staff, which means effective control of the property, which is controlled by material carried out by winning starting and realized that control that made ​​the ground control material and proceed with the work carried out by the owner usually. The other component is the mental element, and the element is intended intention to use the holder of the property to calculate the same and act the disposal of the owner of the use and exploitation. The research also shows the defects of tenure which is hidden or coercion and confusion, if the acquisition were not quiet, open and continuous not have a significant impact . The research also raised the tenure that lead to win the title, this has been decided to make the Sudanese legislator tenure projected reason, in the sense that you hear a lawsuit against the owner-winning possession, which lasted ten years, if the necessary conditions and the bases. Find the study presented to the acquisition suits are filed to recover possession and filed a lawsuit to prevent exposure and stopping new business, said that research such claims decided for the protection of tenure.
ISSN: 1858-9073
Appears in Collections:Issue (1) العدد الأول

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