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insitu–hybridization (1)
It is true and crystal clear that the overall process of teaching and learning involves several key players, and success in learning a foreign or second language (L2) depends on a variety of factors such as the duration and intensity of the language course, the characteristics and abilities of the teacher (1)
Quasi interventional study that had been conducted in Sudan, Shendi locality at Elmek Nimer diabetic outpatient clinic to apply a training program for nurses about self practice for diabetic patients in order to evaluate the impact of the program on nurses and patients self management skills and knowledge from the period extended (1)
study that the students were very weak in writing skills (1)
the impact of an intervention program for nurses about nursing care provided to children with pneumonia . The study was carried out at Al mak Nimer university hospital and Shendi teaching hospital , Shendi city River Nile state (1)
استراتيجيات تسويق الخدمات المصرفية (1)
الأهداف التربوية لمنهج اللغة العربية لمرحلة الأساس تحديدا دقيقاً قابلاً للأداء والملاحظة والقياس (1)
التحكيم في منازعات عقود الإستثمار أصبح ضرورة ملحة يفرضها الواقع الاقتصادي الجديد ، ووسيلة أساسية للنهوض باقتصاديات الدول النامية وتحقيق التنمية المنشودة ، خاصة و أن أغلب الشركات تتمسك بشرط التحكيم في عقودها، (1)
التشريعات القانونية (1)
التنمية في النظام الإسلامي (1)